Friday, August 20, 2010

-Should you be able to send viruses back to people who are scammers, worm herdersand people like tha

Should you be able to send viruses back to people who are scammers, worm herdersand people like that ?

Seems interesting to think about this.

-Should you be able to send viruses back to people who are scammers, worm herdersand people like that ?norton internet security

It IS a tempting idea, isn't it?:D However, what usually happens is that you are identified as a respondent, which means even MORE of whatever garbage they sent to begin with. In essence, don't encourage a bully. Make a habit of simply deleting anything that looks even remotely fishy, or which was unsolicited. Use Yahoo's SpamGuard regularly. That's about as close as you can come to fighting back, unless you are a savvy programmer with a vendetta, heh! I advise you to push them all into the background by ignoring them. I have done this for years and it really does keep most of the junk out of your hair.

-Should you be able to send viruses back to people who are scammers, worm herdersand people like that ?spyware remove

It seems logical.
Oh how I wish. There are other people out there too that I would like to zap. Some porn sites keep sending me and my boyfriend crap through myspace and acting like they know us and crap just to get us to respond. I would like to send them a thing or two lol.
just put da scammers, on block i know there idiots but if you go sending virus to them it could be you that gets locked up and they get away with there stupid scammers game
don't hate the playa, hate the game
very interesting ! yes, i do believe we should be able to give back to them that send that garbage out to others that harm their computer systems probably their lives. or at least somehow to trace them down to get them turned to local authorities to get their systems taken from them.
No. In human society, protection should be provided by the law - not by vigilantism.
Spammers usually use proxies or zombie machines. You would most likely be giving some clueless idiot the virus, not the spammer.


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