Friday, August 20, 2010

What are the different shapes of viruses?

The shapes of viruses that exist in the world and their sizes. How many are they and what are they called?

What are the different shapes of viruses?software


there are different shapes of virus some are crystal, spherical, hexagonal(hiv),octogonal, icosahedral cubical, rod etc.......

the smallest virus is parvo virus measures`20nm....

and the largest viruse is pox virus`300nm which is similar to the size of the bacteria...

average size of virus would be27nm.......

tmv- rod shape

pox virus- brick shape

rabies virus- bullet shaped........


it's like writting exam enough give marks lol!

keep smiling:-)

What are the different shapes of viruses?vincent

The shapes are Icosahedral Viruses, Complex Viruses and Helical Viruses. The more appropriate term for this classification is ''Viral capsid symmetry''.

If you want viral taxonomy, here they are:
4shapes viruses.
they come in all shapes and sizes! just remember...a virus is not a living thing until it invades a cell an the invaded cell is called the BACTERIA!

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